Friday 7 December 2012

Wish Tree

We have been thinking about other people who are not as fortunate as us. We made a Christmas Wish tree to show our thinking.

Here are some of our wishes....

"I wish that everyone could be happy at Christmas time"

"I wish that war would end and that the world could be peaceful"

"I wish that people would raise money for the poor so they could have a fun Christmas too"

"I wish that everybody could see more of their family at Christmas"

"I wish that everyone would be treated fairly"

Here is Yasmin putting her wish on our tree.  It was her last day at Sumner today  - Goodbye Yasmin!  We will miss you in our class :)

Grassmen in Room 10

In Room 10 we have been making grassmen. We made them with potting mix, grass seed and pantihose. Today, we put them outside in the pouring rain to help them grow!  We hope the sun shines over the weekend so they grow.

Monday 3 December 2012

Human Graph

We are learning about statistics and investigation in Maths. Here we are making a human graph to show our favourite sports!

Thursday 29 November 2012


On Tuesday night the Year 3 and 4 students performed a soiree. A soiree is a french word which means a mix of music, art and dance. These are some of the arts that we performed; drama, recorder, dance, ukulele, visual art, poi and singing.  There were lots of parents, children and grandparents that came to watch us. At the end we all felt proud of ourselves!

Friday 2 November 2012

Cyber Safe

We are learning to be cyber safe in Room 10. We have come up with important ideas for keeping ourselves safe on the internet.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Egg sitting Diaries...

We are learning about looking after ourselves, our friends and our families.  Our egg babies are being well looked after :)  Read our diary entries to see what great parents we are....

Day One,
Room 10

Dear Diary,
Today when I walked into the room Egghead had a big smile on his face. He was so pleased to see me after school. I'm going to get into my costume and go trick or treating with Egghead. After tea me and egg will get into our p-jarmies and eat our lollies!

By Reuben.

Day One,
Room 10

Dear Diary,

Today Bella was really egg-cited to see me. I gave Bella an egg-cellent hug. She was so happy to come to my house because she wants see what it looks like and meet all my family. Hannah and I had an egg-cellent playdate with our eggs!

By Ava.

Day One,
Room 10

Dear Diary,

Today when Yogi saw me, he said he might come trick or treating with us. He wants to ride on my hand and dress up as a ghost!

From Samantha

Monday 29 October 2012

Constable Cole comes to class!

On Friday, Constable Cole came to our class for Keeping Ourselves Safe.

He told us about all the types of abuse and told us some stories. We had lots of fun and we can't wait until he comes back!
By Dylan,Joshua, Bryn and Hannah